Every chance meeting starts with a first impression, and Adventurers only get one chance to make that first impression, by their Appearance if seen first, or by their Charisma if heard first.

Adventurers with above-average Appearance or Charisma find social interaction far more effortless than others with below-average Appearance or Charisma.

The Adventurers' Appearance and Charisma may openly or secretly influence long term social interaction as well.

Chances to run into opposing goals or attitudes exist within every social interaction and may lead to unexpected social conflicts.

Accidental social missteps also create chances for otherwise automatic social interactions to suddenly turn to conflicts.

The Adventurers' fundamental choice in social conflicts comes down to their chosen approach to engage in, continue, and resolve these conflicts when they happen.

Adventurers may choose persuasive, deceptive, diplomatic, conciliatory, calculated, aggressive, or ambiguous interactions which can lead to escalation, de-escalation, or completely change the type of conflict under way.


  • Persuasion attempts may trigger acceptance or resentment.
  • Deception attempts may provoke accusations of falsehood or further debate.
  • Seduction attempts may trigger hostility.
  • Intimidation attempts may trigger violence.
  • Bluff attempts may work, or get called out.
  • Parley requests may pause a conflict or not.
  • Taunting may have its desired effect.


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