The Past

What technological and sociological achievements have been made so far?

TL Technology Level Description Examples
-10 Prehistoric Before fire
-9 Stone Age Paleolithic, Ice Age
-8 Bronze Age Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Greek, Ancient Chinese
-7 Iron Age Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman
-6 Middle Ages ~500-1400AD Medieval, Medieval Fantasy
-5 Renaissance ~1400-1500
-4 Age of Sail/Exploration ~1500-1760 Pirates, Swashbuckling
-3 Industrial/Technological Revolutions ~1760-1914 Old West 1780-1920's, Horror 1890's-1920's
-2 World War I and II ~1914-1945 Pulp 1920's-1930's
-1 Atomic/Nuclear/Space Age ~1946-1970's Atomic Age Horror 1945-1970's, Superhero Era 1940's-1970's, Espionage Era 1940's-1980's, Space Age 1960s-1980s
0 Information Age ~1970s-2020s Modern, Modempunk, Modern Conspiracy/Horror 1990's-
+1 Synthetic (Biological/Intelligence) Age ~2020-2199 Tomorrows, Cyberpunk
+2 Stellar Age ~2100+ Conquest of the Solar System, Transhumanism, After the Apocalypse (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Technological, Ecological)
+3 Slower-Than-Light Interstellar Age
+4 Massless Faster-Than-Light (Communication) Moving energy/information only above c
+5 Mass Faster-Than-Light (Travel) Moving energy/information and mass above c

Note: From TL+2 (Stellar Age) onward, multiple technology levels become possible in a setting as different distant locations diverge in their technological capabilities and social conventions.

The Present

+6 Faster-Than-Light Interstellar Age Interstellar Expansion, Post-Scarcity, Federation

What are the current, commonplace technological and sociological achievements?

Information Networks link people and their technology in realtime within the limits of the speed of light.

Store and forward Information Networks link people and their technology slowly across the stars.

Ever-increasing numbers of Orbital Stations accompany worlds and moons across the Colonies.

Artificial Intelligence, based on mechanics and electronics, empower Robots, Androids, and Cyborgs.

Synthetic Intelligence, based on biological techniques, empower Clones, Splices, Synthetics, and Replicants.

Offworld Outposts push back the frontier in a diffuse sphere across the stars within 15 parsecs (50 light-years) of Earth and Sol.

Fusion reactors power Earth, colonies, stations, outposts, and spacecraft where solar, wind, tidal, and geothermal sources cannot.

The Span Drive harnesses fusion energy to drive spacecraft across interplanetary distances.

Extrasolar Surveys slowly push the frontier further and further into deep space.

Extrasolar Colonies sprout in the wake extrasolar surveys as corporations and freelancers chase their fortunes in deep space.

Zero Time Technology helped unlock travel between the stars bypassing part of the cruel physics of spacetime.

Negative Space Technology also helped unlock travel between the stars bypassing more of the cruel physics of spacetime.

Interstellar communication bridges the vast distance between the Colonies.

Jump stations have begun linking the largest Colonies, accelerating trade and growth.

Farspan Drive pushes the colony starships faster than light spurring emigration and trade across the colonies.

The Future

What technological achievements and sociological changes are coming?

+7 Galactic Age Interstellar Empires, Decadent
+8 Extragalactic Age
+9 Pre-Ascendant the Krell, Markovians, Xeelee, limited mass/energy conversion and control
+10 Post-Ascendance After the Singularity, Post-Instrumentality, total mass/energy conversion or control


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