Speed of light communication delays gave rise to four primary currencies used widely across the Niecti star system.

Trading with the Alliance using Core Credit (CCr) and related currency occurs deep in the heart of the system and around the Alliance Navy base building far in outer reaches of the system.

Within the inner system, the Niecti mainworld acts as the hub for local trade and banking.

Between the inner system and the outer asteroid belts, the Ekiri gas giant and its extensive system of moons prefer local banking and trade accounting in local currency.

The Outsystem asteroid belts prefer their own trade accounting and currency among their scattered domains.

Trade between system regions can involve currency conversions or swaps with different areas of the system accepting additional secondary currencies out of necessity.

Currency exchange rates are an arcane art which defies rationalization, much to the consternation of Alliance accountants trying to make sense of it all.

Hipparcos 1368 Star System Alliance Niecti, Ekiri, Outsystem
Jittania World Alliance Niecti
Tantalak Cluster Alliance Niecti
Niecti Mainworld Niecti Alliance, Ekiri
Sie Siete Ring Niecti Alliance, Ekiri, Outsystem
Sirona World Niecti Ekiri, Outsystem, Alliance
Aketi Ring Ekiri Niecti, Outsystem, Alliance
Ekiri Inner Gas Giant Ekiri Niecti, Alliance
Aninfuxe Cluster Ekiri --
Nikara Moon Ekiri Niecti
Avanyu Ring Ekiri --
Axure Ring Ekiri --
Ba Einnen Moon Ekiri Niecti
Chatitika Ring Ekiri --
Cuius Ure Moon Ekiri Outsystem
Ontita Moon Ekiri Outsystem
Taizu Moon Ekiri Outsystem
Jaku Moon Ekiri Outsystem
Babers Einen Moon Ekiri Outsystem
utasar Moon Ekiri Outsystem
Vasishka Moon Ekiri Outsystem
Jiti Psi Moon Ekiri Outsystem
Seinhren Benen Moon Ekiri Outsystem
Kasama Inner Asteroid Belt Outsystem Ekiri
Jahannam-Argosa Planetary System -- --
Antia Ring Outsystem --
Kamse Moon Alliance Outsystem, Ekiri, Niecti
Sahiba Middle Asteroid Belt Outsystem Ekiri
Probuerrim Outer Gas Giant Niecti Outsystem
Coroes Avexuble Cluster Outsystem Niecti
Sananda Moon Niecti Outsystem
Bukuret Moon Niecti Outsystem
Volkdersaener Moon Niecti Outsystem
Shandara Outer Asteroid Belt Outsystem Ekiri
Tandra Far Asteroid Belt Outsystem Ekiri
