Mecha, commonly seen across the inner worlds of the Alliance, have not seen widespread use or adoption within the Niecti star system.

The primary drivers for deploying mecha and their related infrastructure, simply do not occur widely in this remote, frontier star system.

Only a handful of the larger corporations imported mecha for use within breaker yards tearing down alien derelicts, where the extreme scale of mecha combined with their unique mobility options have clear advantage over more traditional salvage machinery or breaker swarms.

These mecha base within support infrastructure built in only the largest breaker yards in the system where their scale and rarity make them an impressive sight.

Salvage Mecha: titanic vehicles specialized for heavy salvage and recovery work handling large assemblies such as power plants, weapon emplacements, or core structural elements.

Hipparcos 1368 Star System
Jittania World
Tantalak Cluster
Niecti Mainworld
Sie Siete Ring
Sirona World
Aketi Ring
Ekiri Inner Gas Giant
Aninfuxe Cluster
Nikara Moon
Avanyu Ring
Axure Ring
Ba Einnen Moon
Chatitika Ring
Cuius Ure Moon
Ontita Moon
Taizu Moon
Jaku Moon
Babers Einen Moon
utasar Moon
Vasishka Moon
Jiti Psi Moon
Seinhren Benen Moon
Kasama Inner Asteroid Belt
Jahannam-Argosa Planetary System
Antia Ring
Kamse Moon
Sahiba Middle Asteroid Belt
Probuerrim Outer Gas Giant
Coroes Avexuble Cluster
Sananda Moon
Bukuret Moon
Volkdersaener Moon
Shandara Outer Asteroid Belt
Tandra Far Asteroid Belt
