While rarely encountered in day-to-day life, terranic animals migrated to the stars with Humanity.

Colonists brought pets and livestock with them on colonization expeditions along with various supplies of non-domesticated insect and animal life for ecological diversity.

Centuries of colonization and space-faring brought intentional and natural genetic divergence from pre-Space terranic forms as insects and animals adapted to environments from microgravity to heavy-gravity worlds, different sunlight, and more.

The Niecti star system and its xeno-biological treasures among the derelicts rewrote the rules on animal diversity in space.

Xeno-archeologists and xeno-biologists scour the derelicts, moons, and worlds of the system for new traces of xeno-life, endlessly arguing over which may be native to the system or possibly imported by the various species they speculate attacked the native species of system.

The introduction of terranic forms to the Niecti main world itself causes the greatest controversy with the Alliance constantly mediating environmental impact and invasive species studies alongside cross contamination issues, to no one's satisfaction.

These arguments create tension between the sciences and the settlers who just want to get on with the business of expanding Human settlement.

Even more worrisome to the Alliance, troubling rumors preiodically spread of less scrupulous explorers encountering highly dangerous animals, and worse, harvesting them for studies or illegal experiments such as hybridization with terranic life.


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