Frontier economies can simplify the direct trade of commodities, goods, or services for other commodities, goods or services through barter.
Barter works where both parties can readily agree on the values and worth of trade.
Barter becomes less common between individuals and organizations or companies after the adoption of ledgers, currency , or credit systems.
Within Niecti barter may still occur if the time delay due to communication distance to the central ledgers or banks exceeds the patience level of the traders.
The traders may also prefer barter to avoid one of the various currencies in use across the system for privacy or secrecy.
Most Niecti system natives avoid barter of critical supplies during emergencies, preferring to stake someone extra air, water, food, vacuum suits, or other life support until the crisis passes, and then square up the debt after the fact.
Marginal or failing outposts may overlook these civilized conventions.
Reputation and desperation directly affects ease and availability of barter opportunity.