Humanity had all but eradicated most natural diseases before moving outward into space.

Endlessly inventive nature still had surprises in store for explorers and colonists.

Simple, hardy forms of life proved more common across the stars than ever dreamed before.

Each new colonized world potentially harbored new forms of virulent life inimicable to Humans, requiring adaptation, sometimes only after a heavy toll in lives lost.

Eventually Human exploration and colonization protocols anticipated and adapted to these realities, bringing a semblance of orderly expansion and a feeling of growing control over the stars.

Exploring and opening the Niecti star system shattered that comfortable illusion as treasure seekers and colonists rushed into the ruins, frequently ignoring the careful safety protocols.

The Alliance Navy and Alliance Xeno-Archeological Agency have expanded their presences while maintaining a fairly strict control over FTL jumps into or out of the system, recently regaining a measure of containment and control.


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