World orbiting Hipparcos 1368

A desert world littered with wrecks and breaker yards.


Distance 55,006,545 km
Radius 2293 km
Gravity 0.32G
Orbit Period 118.83 days
Rotation 194.6 hrs
Mean Temp 187K/-86C
Atmosphere None
Habitability Inhospitable

Orbited By: Aketi Ring


  1. Sajit Kararahul
  2. Bescine
  3. Shtonakota
  4. Takunsist


  1. Piriret
  2. Vichno Tialot
  3. Adatvena
  4. Mussukti
  5. Moinouhast
  6. Dinic-Edishy
  7. Jaedlad
  8. Maaose-Vesseadimi
  9. Dirrastrum
  10. Voisel-Veenik
  11. Einsotion
  12. Jairula
  13. Maasutama
  14. Praveleli
  15. Ara Kurayabhatra
  16. Kanik

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