Most starships require a crew or team of operators to successfully maneuver or fight.

Each member of the crew provides their expertise to increase the effectiveness of specific ship systems.

The command crew provides their expertise to coordinate crew actions and strategy for greatest effective use of the vehicle resources.

Command Captain Charisma / Command
Tactical Captain / Pilot Ingenuity / Tactics
Navigation Bridge Officer Intelligence / Navigation
Piloting Pilot Reflexes / Pilot
Extreme Maneuvers All Endurance / G-Endurance
Short and Long Range Sensor Scans Sensor / Science Officer Intelligence / Sensors
Analysis Computer / Science Officer Ingenuity / Programming
Communications Communications Officer Intelligence / Computer Operation
Communications All Ingenuity / Fast Talk
Shield Control Engineer Ingenuity / Engineering
Damage Control Engineer Ingenuity / Engineering
Weapon Fire Gunner Dexterity / Gunnery

Turn Sequence and Initiative involve both crews involved in the conflict.

The crew and ship facilities may attempt plotting, tracking, and managing a space battle using two- or three-dimensional displays, subject to the limitations of sensors and starship software capabilities, especially for predicting or estimation future tracks or probability cones for movement and fire.


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