Despite centuries of spacefaring, weather still concerns Adventurers out on the Frontier where the massive infrastructure control systems present in the Core Worlds simply do not exist.

The mainworld and many moons support more than trace atmospheres each subject to tranditional atmospheric fronts, turbulence, and coriolis forces.

Atmospheric disturbances present on various combinations of icy, desert, and rocky moons, create many forms of snow and dust storms which may occur with little or no warning.

Gas giant atmospheres generate extreme variations of these conditions.

The Niecti system poses a higher than average possibility of encountering showers of debris left over from the ancient wars in addition to the rock and ice debris.

Pilots routinely chart and report debris encounters as hazard warnings for other pilots.

Stations and spacecraft conduct regular flare drills, increasing in frequency with the proximity to the main star.

The system possesses initial solar monitoring and prediction networks capable of reasonably accurate prediction and warning times.


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