Players start Point-buy Generation with an amount of points to spend improving their Adventurer.

Starting Attribute Scores

For Chronology Point-Buy, all 12 Attributes start at -10, the lowest value possible.

The Player then increases these by spending starting points.

Starting Point Pool

Depending on how powerful the Guide wants adventurers in their Campaign to be, the Guide will give the players different amounts of starting points to modify their adventurers with.

Adventurer Starting Capability Attribute Points All 12 Attributes Start At
Minimal 48 -6
Challenged 60 -4
Below Average 96 -2
Average (Recommended) 120 +0
Heroic 144 +2
Superheroic 168 +4
Godlike 192 +6

Players may then remove up to 3 points from an Attribute, lowering it below average, and apply those points to other Attributes to raise them above Average.

An Attribute may not be lowered below -5 or raised above +5 this way.

After purchasing starting Attribute Scores, Players set and choose the following:

Spend Remaining Points

Players may spend points to purchase Templates (of varying costs each) to customize the following parts of their Adventurer if desired:

Players may also spend remaining points purchasing the following additional elements for their Adventurer:


Adventurers usually will not use spend points to purchase:

Players select these based on their Adventurer concept.


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