Enigmatic alien structures lie scattered across planets, moons, and asteroids throughout the Niecti star system.

Xenoarcheologist explore, document, and argue endlessly over the purpose of these structures.

The little bits known confirm that installations exist from several alien species.

Why were these created?
What is their purpose?
How much are these installations worth when found and claimed?

These questions drive fortune seekers across Alliance space to risk everything and relocate to the Niecti system.

The Niecti mainworld itself appears extensively colonized by one of the species in the past with new discoveries reported regularly.

Recently, as humans spread across the system, they also placed more mundane installations to provide untended or automatic operations such as space weather tracking like flare and ring, comet, or meteor debris collision watches.

Rumors circulate regularly that corporations and other factions across the system establish clandestine tracking installations to locate and claim-jump interesting xenoarcheological finds.

Hipparcos 1368 Star System Flare Watch
Jittania World
Tantalak Cluster
Niecti Mainworld
Sie Siete Ring Debris Watch
Sirona World
Aketi Ring Debris Watch
Ekiri Inner Gas Giant
Aninfuxe Cluster Debris Watch
Nikara Moon
Avanyu Ring
Axure Ring
Ba Einnen Moon
Chatitika Ring
Cuius Ure Moon
Ontita Moon
Taizu Moon
Jaku Moon
Babers Einen Moon
utasar Moon
Vasishka Moon
Jiti Psi Moon
Seinhren Benen Moon
Kasama Inner Asteroid Belt
Jahannam-Argosa Planetary System
Antia Ring
Kamse Moon
Sahiba Middle Asteroid Belt
Probuerrim Outer Gas Giant
Coroes Avexuble Cluster Debris Watch
Sananda Moon
Bukuret Moon
Volkdersaener Moon
Shandara Outer Asteroid Belt
Tandra Far Asteroid Belt


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