Dead Drops: Rumored outposts operated by the underworld for clandestine or illegal purposes.

Emergency Shelters: Hardened workshacks equipped to survive flare events or other emergencies.

Factory Sites: Manufacturing sites for microgravity or vacuum industrial purposes.

Mining Outposts: Ices, metals, and other critical resource gathering sites.

Navy Outposts: A point of presence for the Alliance Navy.

Observatories: Workshacks overseeing sensor arrays.

Research Outposts: A temporary base for scientific research including active xenoarcheological studies.

Salvage Sites: A xenoarcheological salvage operation.

Settlements: Living spaces which still depend on frequent resupply but may be working toward becoming self-sufficient colonies.

Supply Caches: Sheltered storage of supplies for future use.

Survey Sites: Workshacks surveying a site for future development.

Waypoints: Outposts operated as layovers for shuttle resupply during long cross-system flights.

Hipparcos 1368 Star System
Jittania World
Tantalak Cluster
Niecti Mainworld
Sie Siete Ring
Sirona World
Aketi Ring
Ekiri Inner Gas Giant
Aninfuxe Cluster
Nikara Moon
Avanyu Ring
Axure Ring
Ba Einnen Moon
Chatitika Ring
Cuius Ure Moon
Ontita Moon
Taizu Moon
Jaku Moon
Babers Einen Moon
utasar Moon
Vasishka Moon
Jiti Psi Moon
Seinhren Benen Moon
Kasama Inner Asteroid Belt
Jahannam-Argosa Planetary System
Antia Ring
Kamse Moon
Sahiba Middle Asteroid Belt
Probuerrim Outer Gas Giant
Coroes Avexuble Cluster
Sananda Moon
Bukuret Moon
Volkdersaener Moon
Shandara Outer Asteroid Belt
Tandra Far Asteroid Belt


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